Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of microneedling with PRP?

· Reduce appearance of scars

· Decrease pore size/ tighten and firm skin

· Help diminish fine lines and wrinkles

· Increase elastin and collagen production (which helps with a more youthful appearance, we lose both as we age)

· Improve uneven skin texture

Is there downtime?

With the addition of PRP, healing time is faster, and downtime is 24-72 hours although there is minimal downtime in most individuals. Mild redness a day after is common.

How painful is it?

A topical numbing cream is applied so discomfort is minimal to none.

How many treatments are needed?

One treatment alone will benefit the skin, but the number of treatments needed depend on skin type and overall goals. Skin upkeep is a continuous journey and being consistent on good skin care is key!

Many people will see the maximum results when they do at least 4-6 treatments per year at first, with 1-2 sessions yearly after for maintenance.


Is it painful?

I use the smallest gauge needles out there, so it is practically painless!

How long until I see results?

Botox will start kicking in within 7-10 days, but full effects are seen at 14 days. Touch ups are common and will not be done until 14 days to prevent heaviness in eyebrows and forehead.

How long does it last?

Every neurotoxin duration is different based on genetics, metabolism, body type, muscle movement and strength, but on average, duration time is about 3 months. Some clients get 2 months out of a treatment and others get 5 months.

How many units will I need and what is the average cost?

Every person's treatment is individualized and every cost is different. We will come up with a treatment plan at your first appointment. Typical treatment dosing, very generalized, is as follows: Forehead lines- 10-25 units
frown lines (globellar)- 10-25 units
bunny lines- 5-10 units
crows feet (smile lines) each side- 5-15 units
masseter (jaw)- 40-60 units
dimpled chin- 2-6 units

Dermal Filler

How long does the procedure take?

On average, filler will take 30 min to 1 hour. depending on how much product we are doing and what services are being provided. Time for numbing is taken into account.

How painful is the procedure?

Different filler procedures have different pain levels, lips are one of the most sensitive areas of the face, but a topical numbing is used as well as dental block is offered, which makes the procedures practically painless.

What is the downtime after receiving dermal filler?

Each person's body responds in a unique way, but some post appointment bruising and swelling is normal. It is recommended that you allow yourself 2-3 days for swelling/ bruising to subside, and take this into consideration when scheduling any big event. It is also recommended that ice is used afterwards as well as Benadryl for swelling and Tylenol/ Motrin for pain. This will be further discussed in your customized treatment plan at your consultation.

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